Dear Members,
We have some opportunities for a get together planned over the next few months: Please make a note in your diary!
Friday, 25 October ------Members Development Meeting –
Your opportunity to guide the committee on what your priorities are for the club. Pizza & wine as an incentive to come along!
Sat 9 November ---------End of Season Dinner and Prizegiving -
Not just for the racers! A nice social event to top off the season.
Friday 22 November -----AGM with Guest Lecture -
A very important date in the running of the club plus Cheese & wine and stories from our Norwegian adventurers.
Friday, 20 December ----Christmas Drinks – with festive nibbles.
Wed. 1st January -------- Loony Dook & New Year drinks
The bar opens in the afternoon to start the new year with some good company, loony dooking not compulsary (the reason we learn to sail is to stay dry on the water after all!)
Sat. 25 January -------------Burns Supper –
Dust off your best Scots accent and party piece, always lots of fun