FYC Business

This page contains internal information about FYC business matters, e.g. the constitution, minutes of meetings and so on. Access is restricted to FYC members.

Please log on at the bottom right of this webpage, with username fycmember and the gate code as the password.  Note that you do not need to create an account - just log on as fycmember.

If you see another page asking you for username/password, please enter this information:

  • username: fycmember
  • password: gatecode repeated, like 12341234

List of Members

This information is restricted to members only. If you do not see any information, you need to log on at the bottom right of this webpage, with username fycmember and the gate code as the password.  Note that you do not need to create an account - just log on as fycmember.

See also the Boat List.

Minutes of Meetings

The minutes of AGMs and Committee Meetings are available below for members.


Harbour Water Tap

The Harbour Master has passed on the following information:

The water tap on the triangle at the head of the east pier now has a combination lock on its housing. The code is 4181 (Mark thinks), but the surefire way of checking this is to check on the back of the first lamppost on the East Pier as the code is written there in felt pen.